Acupuncture for Your Physical Health

We treat neck and shoulder tension, TMJ and shoulder pain at The Blossom Tree Clinic

Acupuncture for physical health needs no introduction, as this is what most people think of when they hear Acupuncture! Most people know Acupuncture as a method of releasing tight muscles and pain in the body. They might even know Acupuncture as an aid to IVF treatments and to turn breech babies. The truth is that Acupuncture, specifically Chinese Medicine Acupuncture can have an influence throughout the entire body, inside and out.


Musculoskeletal Conditions


Patients seek Acupuncture to help with chronic and acute joint and muscle pain all other the body including:

o   Back pain

o   Neck pain

o   Sciatica

o   Slipped discs

o   Rotator cuff injuries

o   Frozen shoulder

o   Knee pain

o   Muscle pain

o   Joint sprain

o   Carpal tunnel syndrome

o   Tendonitis – eg tennis and golfers elbow

o   Arthritis – rheumatoid and osteo

o   Achilles Tendon injury

o   Plantar Fasciitis

o  Fibromyalgia


While some physiotherapists and osteopaths can undertake a weekend of training in how to release muscles with needles and trigger points (called dry needling), this is actually a very different system than Chinese Medicine Acupuncture. While we are also trained in how to release muscles and joints, Acupuncturists are trained for three years in the ways of Ancient Chinese Medicine that has been around for 3000 years. We work with the entire body, and all its internal and external systems. Sometimes a muscle release might be exactly what your body needs! But often that tight muscle is a symptom of a deeper imbalance within your body, and Chinese Medicine works through healing your entire system.

Treating the root and the cause of the pain is important in Traditional Chinese Medicine


In Traditional Chinese Medicine, there is a key concept called the Ben (roots) and the Biao (branches). The ‘branches’ are the things you can see – the symptoms that are presenting themselves and what you are probably coming to your appointment for, such as a sore shoulder. But as any gardeners out there will know, if you chop off the branches without pulling up the roots, the weed will simply grow back. Similarly with disease, if you treat the presenting condition without understanding and treating the root cause of it, the symptoms will eventually keep returning.


For example, I had a patient who came in with a shoulder pain. She was a petite 5ft young woman, and after some delving I discovered she was walking a 60kg Great Dane for two hours every day. I can treat that shoulder every week with fantastic success, but it will likely keep coming back because the root cause (the massive dog pulling on his lead) will still be there. Don’t worry, no dogs were harmed in the course of this treatment! In this case, the patient was happy to attend ongoing weekly appointments to keep her symptoms at bay, and to share the responsibility of dog walking with her partner. A happy compromise for her shoulder!  


The point is even simple conditions are often not without root cause and imbalance, either in the body or externally (exercise, food, weather, etc). The beauty of Chinese Medicine is our in-depth approach to understanding each individual and looking at the whole body in a holistic way. Not just treating the branches of the disease but working towards resolving its root cause.



Women’s Health


We treat symptoms of pregnancy, fertility, childbirth, breach at The Blossom Tree Clinic, Pinner

After back pain, I would say Acupuncture’s next most known condition is in Women’s Health, IVF and fertility. This is a fantastic example of how Acupuncture can influence our internal organs. For so long, women have excused away a lot of truly debilitating symptoms and conditions as just part of being a woman. No more! That terrible, day-ending period pain you experience every month is not normal! And Acupuncture is here to help alleviate some of these conditions:


-       Menstrual pain

-       Abnormal menstrual bleeding (not enough or too much)

-       PMT (pre-menstrual tension – emotions, pains, habits, fatigue etc)

-       Endometriosis

-       PCOS

-       Sexual dysfunction (low libido, erectile dysfunction)

-       Infertility or difficulty conceiving

-       Pregnancy symptoms (pain, nausea, fatigue)

-       Preparation for childbirth

-       Turning breech babies

-       Labour Induction

-       During childbirth

-       Postpartum

-       Menopause (and many of its symptoms)


As a woman in a world where a lot of these conditions have for so long gone unrecognised and untreated, I am happy to be part of a movement that has some answers and the ability to provide some well-deserved relief for us women!


IBS / Gut

Period pain, endometriosis, PCOS, no periods, are all treated with Acupuncture at The Blossom Tree Clinic


The rates of Irritable Bowel Syndrome are on the rise. Many of us excuse away our bout of loose stools, constipation and especially bloating as just the way our body is. Let’s stop that and let’s get some relief! Acupuncture and Chinese Medicine has a way of understanding the body as a whole, what you put into it, what is happening as you process your food and drink, what is happening at the other end and what that means for you internally.


We are trained to give you dietary and lifestyle advice to understand how the things you put into your body may be affecting your gut. If you are thinking of nutrition and allergists, think again (we’ll leave that to them!). Formed 3000 years ago, Chinese Medicine has a completely different way of categorising and understanding all that we eat and drink and how they affect our internal organs. During our appointment we will discuss in depth a lot of these factors, and alongside your acupuncture treatment you will also receive dietary and lifestyle advice that is specifically tailored just for you and the conditions you are dealing with.


Here are some of the conditions patients have come for:

-       Constipation

-       Diarrhoea

-       Bloating

-       Irritable Bowel Syndrome

-       Ulcerative Colitis

-       Inflamed bowels

-       Nausea

-       Vomiting

-       Gas

-       Reflux



Bladder issues, incontinence, cystitis, UTI are all conditions we treat with Acupuncture in Pinner


-       Pain, burning, itching, discharge

-       Cystitis

-       Incontinence




Acupuncture has been used to lower blood pressure and relieve symptoms of hypertension. As hypertension is often a result of many external and internal factors, instead of simply treating the symptom we also study the underlying factors that may be at the root of the hypertension, and try to address those as well.


Skin, Temperature and Sweating


-       Eczema

-       Acne

-       Psoriasis

-       Urticaria

-       Feeling too hot

-       Feeling too cold

-       Cold extremities

-       Excessive sweating

-       Night sweats

-       Hot flushes

If there is anything you are struggling with and are unsure if Acupuncture is the right treatment for you, please do not hesitate to email us or bring it up in your appointment. We will be happy to help, treat, or advise you on what might be best for what you are dealing with. If you feel it is right for you, you can book your appointment now.

The information in this website is for informational purposes only. No material on this site is intended to be a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment. Always seek the advice of your physician or other qualified health care provider with any questions you may have regarding a medical condition or treatment, and before undertaking a new health care regimen, and never disregard professional advice or delay in seeking it because of something you have read on this website.


Acupuncture for Your Mental Health


Acupuncture for Your Emotional Health