Acupuncture for Your Mental Health

Mental health is a treatment we prioritise at The Blossom Tree Clinic

As Acupuncture is most famously known for treating back, joint and muscle pain, many people are unaware of the incredible influence acupuncture can have over the mind. The mind is an organ in the body and as such can be influenced with the use of Acupoints that run all over the body, internally and externally.  

In this article we will explore what conditions patients have sought acupuncture for to not just for mental health conditions, but also conditions of the physical mind such as Fatigue conditions, Insomnia, Migraines, Headaches.

Of course it is happening in your head, Harry. But why on earth should that mean that it is not real?
— Dumbledore


Mental Health

Let us support you in your mental health journey with mental and physical holistic treatments at The Blossom Tree Clinic

Mental health has become a big part of today’s society. For too long symptoms and conditions were dismissed and ignored. Finally, people are able to seek the pharmaceutical and psychological help they need to cope with many of these conditions. Acupuncture does not seek to replace or undermine any pharmaceutical and psychological help, but instead to assist in recovery alongside these methodologies.

The mind is an incredible and intricate organ, and until recently was relatively un-understood and unknown. You may therefore be asking how a medicine founded 3000 years ago can work with an organ we are only just beginning to understand. The incredible beauty of Chinese Medicine is, though not having knowledge of the specific intricacies of the brain, it was able to perceive how the mind can be affected by physical stimuli and equally how physical stresses, conditions and environments could in turn affect the mind. Though they had a different name for it, this understanding of the psychosomatic relationship is something Western Medicine is only just catching on to today.


Each person, their genetics, environment and conditions are different. The wonder of Chinese Medicine is that no single person is treated the same, and your treatment and advice is tailored specifically to you. Unlike in western medicine, there is no one size/treatment strategy/medicine that fits all. As such, here are some examples of patients I have seen with mental health struggles:


  • Depression

  • Anxiety

  • Panic Disorder


  • OCD

  • PTSD

  • Eating Disorders

  • Schizophrenia

  • Bipolar disorder



NADA Acupuncture can be used to quit smoking, drug addiction, trauma relief, burnout

You may have heard of Acupuncture and addiction from the widely used and renowned NADA protocol. The NADA treatment model was developed at the Lincoln Recovery Centre in New York in the 1970’s in response to the growing drug addiction epidemic. The protocol was developed to help addicts with their recovery dealing with trauma, anxiety, depression, irritability and cravings.

NADA Acudetox treatments have been shown to reduce the impact of withdrawal symptoms from alcohol, opiates, cocaine and amphetamines.  It also diminishes the cravings associated with some of the most commonly abused substances, including nicotine and prescription medication.

Since then NADA protocol has been found effective for a wide range of conditions. It is used by Acupuncture Without Borders and other volunteer projects across the globe as a cheap, simple and effective way to treat symptoms of trauma and shock after global disasters and for refugees of war.


Ask you practitioner about NADA if you want help with:

  • Smoking

  • Drinking Alcohol / Alcoholism

  • Drug Addiction

  • Food Addiction

  • Trauma, shock, PTSD

Fatigue, Chronic Fatigue and Long Covid

Depression and anxiety and burnout are some of the most common things we treat at The Blossom Tree Clinic, Pinner

It was a difficult decision on where to place fatigue and chronic fatigue conditions in terms of physical, mental and emotional health, as of course it deeply affects them all. In the end, the common involvement of mental fog, confusion, depression, as well as Chinese medicine’s understanding of the underlying causes within the body let to Fatigue conditions being placed here. Depending on the severity of the condition and length of time you have been suffering, Acupuncture can be a slow but effective strategy to assist you in your recovery to health.

I would categorise Long Covid within this bracket, and though little research has yet been completed, there are promising signs and anecdotal evidence to support the use of acupuncture for this condition.


Insomnia, Headaches & Migraines

Aside from mental health struggles, there are many other conditions that can affect the mind and head. In a more physical sense (though often related to the mind, stress, and other mental factors), patients seek Acupuncture for:


  • Insomnia

  • Headaches

  • Migraines

If there is anything you are struggling with and are unsure if Acupuncture is the right treatment for you, please do not hesitate to email us or bring it up in your appointment. We will be happy to help, treat, or advise you on what might be best for what you are dealing with. If you feel it is right for you, you can book your appointment now.

The information in this website is for informational purposes only. No material on this site is intended to be a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment. Always seek the advice of your physician or other qualified health care provider with any questions you may have regarding a medical condition or treatment, and before undertaking a new health care regimen, and never disregard professional advice or delay in seeking it because of something you have read on this website.


About Kate


Acupuncture for Your Physical Health